Manageable Conversations

Insights and advice straight from business leaders.

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Chris Rowley, CEO of The Risk Advisory Group

In this episode, Chris Rowley, CEO of The Risk Advisory Group, talks about:

  • How he became CEO and ways he copes with the demands of the role
  • The importance of consistency of leadership, including having difficult conversations
  • Why leaders would be mad to rely only on their instincts rather than seek help
  • Expectations of younger generations and the need for investment in people from the outset
  • The value of agility and challenging the status quo within organisations

Chris has over 20 years’ experience helping clients grow their businesses while protecting their brands, assets and people. He's managed over 500 different investigations on behalf of clients, who value his expertise in identifying and mitigating regulatory and reputational risks. More recently, Chris led the growth of his firm's investigations and intelligence business in the US and other new markets.

Risk Advisory is a leading global, multi-disciplined risk management consultancy. They equip corporate decision-makers and their advisors with meticulously sourced, consistently fresh, local intelligence to make the right commercial decisions.